Thursday, January 10, 2008

Christmas Adam

One book I forgot to blog about is A Family Christmas, an anthology by Caroline Kennedy. This is an excellent collection (complete with a satin ribbon to keep your place) with all kinds of entries, from a letter from Groucho Marx to a sermon by Cotton Mather. I usually shy away from Christmas story collections, much as I love Christmas, as they usually are the most sickly sweet stuff, on the level of the Chicken Soup books. This, however, is historical and informative -- I bought one for my mother-in-law, and would have bought one for my mom if she could still see enough to read.
I devoured this Christmas Adam evening (December 23) when our family opened our gifts. Because my family had always opened gifts on Christmas Eve (being that my b-day is Christmas Day), when I married D, it worked out fine because his family had always opened gifts on Christmas Day. And we are blessed, because both of our families live within 10 minutes of our house! How great is that?! However, once our kids started getting older, we wanted to have our own day to celebrate. So we open our gifts on Christmas Adam. Why Adam, you ask? Because Adam was created before Eve. Get it? Adam...then Eve....Christmas Eve........... And that look on your face was the same one our kids' teachers had when they went to school and shared our little holiday with the world.

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