Saturday, January 12, 2008

Homecoming Furor

Because our small Christian school has a basketball homecoming instead of a football one, today is the big day! This is the first year that I have two females to chivvy around. This is K's senior year, and S's freshman year, so there is a big difference in preparedness. We've gotten the dresses, the shoes, done the nails, done the hair... whew... almost there. Every year, I have made custom jewelry for K to match her dress. This year I splurged on Swarovski crystals. Her dress is baby blue and black, with rhinestones, so I used blue crystals set in silver stars, black matte seed beads, clear glass silver-lined beads, and sterling silver beads. Quite lovely, really. S didn't want me to make her any jewelry, so she got a silver heart on a chain. I had to resew S's straps to make her dress modest enough, which is pretty normal around here.
I haven't read as much lately, what with everything, but I did read Robin McKinley's Sunshine.
She has revamped several fairy tales into modern retellings, and K has read many of them and likes them. This one is your typical monster-with-the-heart-of-gold tale, except centered around a dark, silent, brooding vamp. The story is okay, but, I must confess, the Grammarnazi in me was having a hissy. I noticed problems much more in the beginning of the book -- whether the writing got better or I stopped noticing issues I don't know. But in the beginning, I struggled through quite a few monster sentences with parentheses and dashes aplenty, so much so that I had to go back to the beginning to unravel what was going on. That's pretty bad when I'm used to straightening out the snarled thoughts of junior high students. But I'm always asking D if I can correct people's signage -- APOSTROPHES DO NOT MAKE THINGS PLURAL!!!!!!!!!!!! personal pet peeve.

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